How Fire Was Given to the Earth

In the beginning…

After the earth was formed, the animals of Mother Earth held a council They prayed to the creator that they learn of a way to find warmth in the cool of the night and a way to see in the darkness. Where they met, beside the waters, was an island. On this island stood a single tree. As the animals prayed, the Cloud People came and painted heavily the skies above. The prayers were called out even louder and in response, the Thunder Beings called back to them with a voice that filled the earth with vibration. Then, the Lightning Beings came and blessed the lone tree with their medicine of fire.

Instantly, the animals began to reason and reckon on how to bring the fire gift back to their homes and villages. First relative Owl (U Gu Gu) called out that it would try to retrieve the gift. But the fire was too hot and the owl was unable to harvest its warmth. Then the Raven (Go LaNv) and mighty Buffalo (Ya Na Sa) tried, but to no avail. One after another, the attempts were futile. Then the Water Spider (Ka Hna Ne S Gi) swiftly crossed over the water to the tree, all along weaving a basket, and placed it upon her back. Water Spider entered the trunk of the tree and then reappeared shortly after with hot embers safely inside the silken basket and easily crossed the water to present the gift of Fire.

Standing in our truth does mean that from time to time the fire can get pretty intense. There are times where it takes more than one attempt to get the lessons in life to come into balance with our understanding. Not only the understanding, but also the comfort it brings to our spirit when we know that we are in alignment with the path that leads to our individual futures. And then joins with others as we journey along in a good way.

This story reminds us of the power of Collective Awareness and the power community. Common-unity. Of when we ask for those things that serve the higher purpose and vibration we need to be ready for the cosmic response. When we Pray or Om as one, we do our part as a living organism to help raise the vibration that connects us to the higher levels of awareness and creative inspiration. By working together, the animals were able to manifest a relationship with the elements that served their prayers and commitment to life.

Also, it teaches us of the different journeys we take as individuals that lead us to the communities and families where we feel we belong. Each of us wanting to complete the task of bringing the light into our lives so that we can help light the path to our future. The lesson of Water Spider shows us that no matter how big or small, we all have a significant role in life to do whatever we can to support (Love, Honor, Respect) one another.

Energetically, the animals wove a basket that would host the gift of Fire from the elementals. It shows us that when all the colors of the rainbow come together as one we can call forth the spirits and share life and love and oneness.

